DVS coherent receiver module

DVS coherent receiver module

We have developed a DVS coherent receiver module for amplitude demodulation distributed fiber-optic vibration sensing (DVS) applications. This module not only has the characteristics of high signal-to-noise ratio of coherent detection, but also the output signal is amplitude signal. It can be directly used in the DVS system without modifying the demodulation algorithm; on the basis of the high signal-to-noise ratio of coherent detection, the analog signal is denoised inside the module, which can improve the signal-to-noise ratio as much as possible, and can reduce the application of the system optical amplification module , reduce system cost. It is very suitable for distributed fiber-optic vibration sensing (DVS) systems based on amplitude demodulation.


High signal-to-noise ratio for coherent detection
Can be directly used in DVS system
No need to modify the algorithm
Reduce system cost
Built-in low-noise isolated power supply

Distributed fiber-optic vibration sensing (DVS) based on amplitude demodulation


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